Harmony Week 17-23 March
Harmony Week 17-23 March
Everyone Belongs!
Harmony week is about celebrating The World’s Diversity! Are you doing anything fun at your school, playgroup or neighbourhood? I’d love to hear about it!
Some people wear the colour orange to show they are celebrating. What will you do?
You might even like to write and share a poem or a song. Here’s my Harmony Day Spoken Word…feel free to speak it, anytime.
Not judging you...
You not judging me...
For the food you eat
the clothes I bear
what I honour or
what you wear
over your hair.
For the music I love
or your taste in art
for the loving values
deep in your heart
If it's coming from good
for the good…it’s good
yet it still could be
different from me...
we dont have to agree
It’s like notes in a song
that more than get along
that soar for the blending
from the merging
each note has its place
its form and its grace
shining because of the unity
That's the beauty of harmony.
by dirtgirl
Harmony Day 2019