Be a Voice for Change!

Hi Grubsters!

Did you know that you have superpowers? Yep, it's true! You have the power to make big changes, and it all starts with recycling. But sometimes, recycling needs a little help from rules and systems to make it work even better. That's where policy and advocacy come in, and you can be a star player!

What's the Deal with Policies?

Before you bring anything new into your sanctuary, press pause. Rethink the packaging and waste that comes with it. Can it be recycled easily, like glass and metals such as aluminium and steel? Or will it end up as pesky soft plastics, bidding farewell to the recycling process before it even begins? Remember, the most eco-friendly waste is the waste you never create.

Ditch: The Art of Avoidance

Being an advocate is like being the leader of a team. You stand up and speak out about making the recycling game better for everyone—kind of like a captain for the Earth!

Steps to Be a Recycling Advocate:

1. Learn the Recycling Rules

Get to know what can and can't be recycled in your area. Why? Because knowledge is like a superhero's shield—it makes you strong and confident!

2. Share What You Know

Teach your friends, family, and neighbours about recycling. Make it fun with games or challenges—who can recycle the most in a week?

3. Make Some Noise

Write letters or draw colourful pictures to send to your local leaders. Tell them how important recycling is to you and ask them to make it easier and better for everyone.

4. Start a Petition

Gather signatures from your friends, classmates, and neighbours asking for more recycling bins in your school or community, or for a special day to learn about recycling.

5. Be a Recycling Reporter

Write an article for your school newspaper or make a video for social media talking about how awesome recycling is and what changes you want to see.

6. Host a Recycle Rally

Organize an event at your school or in your neighbourhood to celebrate recycling. You could have speeches, posters, and games all about recycling.

7. Join Forces

Team up with local environmental groups or clubs. Together, you can be louder and prouder about asking for better recycling policies.

8. Show the Benefits

Create a project showing the good things that come from recycling—like less trash in landfills, more materials for new things, and a happier Earth!

9. Celebrate Success

When you make a change, big or small, celebrate it! It could be getting a new recycling bin at your park or your whole school participating in a recycling program.

10. Keep Learning and Sharing

The more you know, the more you can grow. So keep learning about the environment and sharing what you learn. Knowledge is power, after all!

Remember, you don't have to wear a cape or fly to be a hero (but hey, capes are cool!). Every time you help our planet by recycling and encouraging others to do the same, you're a true Recycling-Hero. So let's raise our voices and our recycling bins for a greener tomorrow!

Go forth and advocate,

See you at the bin!



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Seed swap party