Make your own bean teepee

A bean teepee is a magical thing to have in your garden…and it’s a great project to get started in Spring! Once it’s up and growing, a bean teepee is a super cool place to hide and play in…or read a book! It’s like a secret garden cubby house, but it’s better…because it’s full of beans to eat!

Click on the picture below to see how to make one!

dirtgirl’s top tips

Beans like a nice sunny spot to grow, so find a spot that gets good sunshine and where there is enough room for your tepee. At least 5 hours of sun a day is good.

Bamboo poles are the best choice because they are nice and light. Make sure your poles are tied together tightly, so your teepee can’t fall apart. And for safety reasons, don’t use any type of poles that are heavy.

What type of beans to plant?

Now for the best bit…what to plant?! Scarlet runner beans are great for bean teepees. They are great growers and have bright orange flowers!

You could also try blue lake beans, purple king beans or rattlesnake beans. You could mix it up and plant a few different beans! The main thing to remember is that you need to choose climbing beans. Bush beans won’t work because they don’t like to climb!

You could also plant some flowers around the bottom of your teepee. Nasturtiums are colourful and bright. Or you could try beautiful sweetpea flowers...they love to climb! I LOVE flowers! You can never have too many flowers in your world.

Beans aren’t the only thing you can grow on a teepee. You could try peas instead! Peas are a good choice if the weather is cool where you live. They like to grow in Winter.

Here are some more teepee ideas.

At the end of the season, you can save some seeds from your bean plants and keep them to use for your next teepee!

Give it a go greenthumbs! Or should I say give it a GROW!



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