our kid friendly blog realm
Easter nature crafts
Does your family celebrate Easter? Check out our eco-friendly Easter craft ideas, make a nature nest, and find out how to recycle your Easter egg wrappers!
The science of a tropical cyclone: A Nature Detective’s guide
Where do tropical cyclones come from? And how do they get their names? Let’s investigate!
Grow a rainbow garden
You can grow a magical rainbow garden by planting different coloured plants and flowers. This will also attract lots of helpful insects and beautiful butterflies!
Make your own inventor's box with scrapboy
Do you like inventing things? scrapboy does! It’s one of his favourite things to do. It’s time to make your own recycled inventor’s box.
Make your own bean teepee
A bean teepee is a magical addition to your garden…and it’s a great project to get started in Spring.
5 ways to reuse Halloween pumpkins!
Happy Halloween. Here are 5 fun ways to reuse and recycle your Halloween pumpkin.
The grit diaries - Here comes the sun (do do doo doo)
Did you know that you can save your own seeds from the plants in your garden?! You can collect the seeds all up, save them in a container and when the season is right, you can plant them and they will grow more plants. That’s amazing!
Happy Saturday - Sticks
It’s Happy Saturday time! What can you make with a stick? It can be so many different things! Use your imaginations and discover wild nature play ideas to do at home or in your naturehood.
How to save tomato seeds
Have you ever tried to save your own tomato seeds?! There’s a bit of a trick to saving tomato seeds and I’m going to show you how.
Seed swap party
Have you ever heard of a seed swap party? It’s a party where you swap seeds. Let’s have a party at your house!
All the dirt on our Gnome Party
Hello there, gnome-friend! You're just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the most magical party in all of dirtgirlworld.