Plastic Free July Challenge – choose to refuse!

Hi greenthumbs!

Welcome to week 3 of Plastic Free July. This week, we are choosing to refuse single-use plastics!

One of the best ways to refuse single-use plastics is to say no to plastic packaging when it comes to buying food. But how do you do this when so much food comes wrapped in plastic?!

The best way to start is to begin! You could start by making some of your own plastic-free food instead. Dips and dressings are easy and fun to make (and they’re so tasty!). If you can learn how to make your own, you won’t need to buy them in plastic containers. It’s all about putting your thinking caps on and getting clever in the kitchen.

I challenge you to make your own plastic-free dips and dressings!

how to make your own dips

Instead of buying dips in single-use plastic containers, you could make your own yummy dips! You’ll save money and be able to make them whenever you need a tasty snack! Click on the pictures to see the recipes.

how to make your own salad dressings

Salad dressings are easy to make. And they’re a great way to use up excess goodies from your garden like herbs and lemons (or from the farmers’ market!). You can make a salad dressing in just a few minutes. Click on the pictures to see the recipes.

It’s all about starting new healthy habits that are good for you and good for the planet! If you are finding it tricky to know where and how to start when it comes to reducing and refusing single-use plastic, here’s my tip….take on one new habit at the start of every month. Take it step-by-step and add one new habit at a time.

Think of it a bit like a toolkit. When you add a new habit, you are adding a new tool into your plastic-free toolkit. This is the toolkit you carry with you all the time. And you can build it up as you go!

more ways to refuse single-use plastic

  1. Choose to refuse plastic shopping bags. Bring your own bag or use a box instead.

2. Choose to refuse single-use cups. Bring your own reusable cup or dine in.

3. Choose to refuse single-use plastic straws. Bring a reusable straw or just go strawless!

Bye greenthumbs! Have fun in the kitchen! See you next week for round 4 of our Plastic Free July Challenge!



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