Plastic Free July - Week 2 challenge

Hi greenthumbs!

Welcome to week 2 of my Plastic Free July challenge! How did you go with reducing plastic shopping bags last week? Did you remember to take your reusable bag or basket?!

This week, we’re going to try and reduce single-use plastic straws!

Week 2: plastic straws

The problem with single-use straws is that they are used for just a few minutes and then put in the bin. But they don’t really go away. Plastic straws can take hundreds of years to breakdown. That’s a long time for a quick drink! And even then, they still don’t go away ... they break into thousands of tiny pieces called ‘microplastics’. 

Plastic straws can also get blown down drains and into our waterways, rivers and oceans. We definitely don’t want them in there, because our beautiful wildlife could accidentally eat them and get sick.

Dirty, old straws are one of the top 10 things collected in beach cleanups. Yuck! We don’t want straws on our beaches! We want to keep them clean for everyone to visit and for all the animals that live there.

Just swap it!

Instead of using a plastic straw you can swap it with just drinking from the cup! Easy, peasy!

Or, if you like to use a straw, you can swap it with your own super sustainable straw! You can get reusable straws made out of stainless steel or bamboo. You can even get foldable reusable straws to keep in your pocket.

Just remember to give your reusable straw a good wash each time you use it. Most reusable straws come with a cute little cleaning brush.

Ok, so that’s our challenge for week 2 of Plastic Free July. Are you in?!

If you want to find out more about Plastic Free July you can visit the website.

I’ll see you next week for round 3 of our Plastic Free July Challenge!



Plastic Free July - Week 3 challenge


Plastic Free July - Week 1 challenge