The grit diaries - Here comes the sun (do do doo doo)

Dear Grubsters

It is nice to have the sunshine back. Big rain over the last week has slowed down construction here at dirtgirlworld. It’s slow work fixing the house after the flood. Over two year on and there is still so much to do.

I know people are feeling the same all over the region and across all the places in the world that have experienced fires and floods over the last few years.

It’s so hard to imagine cascading weather events …yet here we are!

My heart is with everyone feeling the same.

Recovery takes time. Healing takes time.

And as we fix and mend.. all the nature and animals and creatures and birds are doing the same. The sunshine has bought in flocks of rainbow lorikeets and they truly are medicine for my heart.

As I type a late morning kookaburra is laughing at me. Maybe the message is it’s ok to have a sleep in, to go slow , to be kind to ourselves.

Hmmmm…. That feels nice. I’ll brew a lemongrass tea and the get back to it!

Ps … in better news last week I finally finished piecing together the stunt star pathway to the verandah. Not perfect but I’m loving it

Thanks for all your kindness… it makes a difference!



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