Create a bee friendly garden

Hi greenthumbs!

Happy World Bee Day!

I’m so excited! I just love bees so much! World Bee Day is on 20 May and to celebrate I thought I'd share my best ideas on how to make a bee friendly garden! But first, can I tell you why I love bees?!


When the bees visit my garden, they buzz straight to my flowers and stick their heads in to get the nectar and pollen. The pollen gets stuck on them.

If you watch honeybees closely, you might see that some of them have little yellow pollen pants! This is actually the pollen and nectar that sticks to the hairs on their little legs.

The bees help move pollen from one flower to another, and this is what’s called POLLINATION. It’s super important because pollination makes our flowering plants grow the fruit, vegetables and nuts that we eat. A third of all of the food we eat relies on bees for pollination! 

Top 3 tips to get your garden buzzing!

Plant bee friendly plants

These are some of the best bee friendly garden plants that you might like to plant in your garden or put in pots. Maybe you have some of them already? Different bees like different type of flowers so try and plant lots of different type of plants (with lots of different coloured flowers) in your bee garden!

Build a bee hotel

Encourage bees to visit your garden or pot plant balcony by making a bee hotel. Native bees love to hang out in these hideaways.

Give the bees a drink!

Help out the bees by making bee water stations in your garden. You can use containers or pot saucers with a small amount of water. Pop a few rocks into the containers so your bees have something to sit on (we don’t want them to get stuck in the water!). 

We need the bees, and the bees need us to help look after them and their flowers. 

Now it’s time to get buzzy! 

Wow, that was fun!! I hope you have fun getting buzzy at your house.

See you later greenthumbs!



Happy World Environment Day


Make VegetaBugs!