Web challenge (Go Wild for Maths!)
Hi greenthumbs. It’s dirtgirl here!
It’s Go Wild for Maths challenge time! I challenge you to make a web. Weave a spider web and explore pattern and symmetry along the way.
watch the web episode
Watch the ‘clock’ episode on ABC iview to see how to make a web. This is a fun nature activity to do at home or in the park.
what you need to gather
Before you start, gather the following things:
A basket or fabric bag to collect your nature objects
Yarn or string
A camera
what to collect outside
Now it’s time to go outside and find these things in nature:
3 strong sticks of a similar length…the bumpier the better!
Long grasses to weave around your web (optional)
A flower….to be the pretend spider! (optional)
how to make your web
There’s no one way to do this challenge, but here are some ideas to get you started!
Find a comfortable spot to sit and make your web. Cross the three sticks over each other and tie them together in the middle to create a frame or spokes for your web.
Cut some yarn to make the threads of the web. Try to estimate what length you’ll need. Tie one end of the yarn to the middle of the frame.
3. Make your web by weaving the yarn around the frame in circles. You might need to loop the yarn around each stick, so it stays in place. Once you’ve finished, tie the end of the yarn firmly to one of the sticks.
4. If you like, you can weave some long grasses around your web and decorate it with a flower (your pretend spider!).
5. Don’t forget to snap a photo of your nature web! Maybe hanging in a tree!
6. When you’ve finished, remember to pack up all your things and take them home.
did you know?
Spiders make silk from their spinneret glands which are found at the tip of their abdomen. They use their silk to protect their babies, catch food, make homes and even to travel around!
say hello!
I love it when you share your adventures with us. Post any of your videos, photos or drawings to social media and tag them #dirtgirlworld #gowildformaths. Send me a letter to dirtgirl@dirtgirlworld.com (under 3MB, our mailbox is tiny!). Or snail mail me at dirtgirl at dirtgirlworld C/O Whiporie PO, NSW AUSTRALIA 2469. Let me know if you are happy for me to share them online or if they are for my eyes only. I understand if you have family privacy rules and we always respect that!