Edible flower power

Hi greenthumbs!

This week it’s all about flower power! I love my flowers…their happy colours and the way my helpful insects and bees always buzz around them.

Did you know that you can eat some types of flowers?! Yes! Flowers that you can eat are called “edible flowers”. They are full of flavour and add lots of bright colours to your plate.

dirtgirl’s top 5 edible flowers

Here are my top 5 edible flowers to try growing at home.

Borage flowers are beautiful. They are electric blue! The helpful insects and buzzy bees just love borage. The little star-shaped flowers taste sweet. You can pop them in a drink. Or you could make flower power ice cubes!

Nasturtiums have bright yellow, red and orange flowers. They are so easy to grow. They taste spicy, a bit like a radish! I like to decorate my salads with them. You can eat the leaves too.

And then there’s cornflowers with their bright blue ruffles reaching up for the sky. This is a good one for decorating a birthday cake!

Elderflowers are just so lovely! You can make a tasty cordial with the little white flowers.

You can even eat zucchini flowers! You can add them to salad or stuff them with rice or cheese and fry them. Delicious!

how to pick

The best time to pick your edible flowers is early in the morning, before it gets hot! If you’re not going to use your flowers straight away, store them in the fridge. This helps to stop them wilting and keeps them fresh for you to eat.

flower alert!

Before you eat any flowers, ALWAYS make sure you check with your grown ups that they are safe to eat. If you’re not sure, don’t eat them. Because some flowers can be poisonous. And it’s best not to eat flowers from the florist or picked from the side of the road, as they might be sprayed with nasty chemicals. Edible flowers from your garden are the best!

See you later greenthumbs!!



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