dirtgirl loves: Feel Good Feb

Hi greenthumbs. It’s dirtgirl here!

Have you heard of Feel Good Feb? Feel Good Feb is all about lifting the positive vibe of our world by promoting good deeds and random acts of kindness, especially during the month of February….and beyond. I love it!

In our fast-changing world, there seems to be a lot of negative news. Feel Good Feb is here to bring a ray of brightness and light into the world – and it’s done by YOU and ME!

One random act of kindness (otherwise known as a RAK) can bring a smile to someone’s face. No matter how big or how small your RAK is, you will be helping make someone’s day that much better. You can literally change another person’s life just by being kind. Then in turn, maybe they will do a kind deed for someone else. Kindness will flow organically, creating a ripple effect of happiness.

Feel Good Feb’s motto is “Kindness Is Catching”.

So are you in?!

Calling all greenthumbs! Let’s get on board the Feel Good Feb train!

how to get involved

Here are five ideas of things that you could do:

  1. Get some chalk and cover the pavement with smiley faces or a positive message…this is guaranteed to make people smile when they look down.

2. Give an honest compliment to someone…it will brighten their day!

3. Pick a bunch of flowers from your garden and leave them in a public place for someone to find (with a friendly note).

4. Contact your local aged care place and see if you can post a letter or drawings to the residents.

5. Start a little library and share your love for books.

Of course, whatever you do, keep in mind social distancing and playing it safe.

What other ideas do you have?

find out more

Find out more about Feel Good Feb on the website and Facebook page.

I can’t wait to hear what kindness and magic you create in Feel Good Feb!



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