Indoor window sill garden

Hi greenthumbs! It’s dirtgirl here.

Would you like to grow a window sill garden? You can grow all sorts of different herbs in little pots. You just need to make sure they are in a spot that gets a good amount of sunlight.

Plants need sunlight to grow. They are little light catchers!

You could put your herb pots on the window sill, on the kitchen bench, or even hang them up.

herb window sill garden ideas

Here are some herb window sill garden ideas. Click on the pictures for some handy tips.

what you need

Here are the things you will need to start your own herb window sill garden.


Small pots are good for a window sill. The most important thing is that it has a little hole at the bottom, so any extra water can run out. You can recycle old mugs, tin cans and plastic containers into pots! You will need to ask your grown-ups to put a little hole in the bottom for you.


You will need a saucer or container under your pots to catch any water drips. Each pot could have its own saucer or you could put them all on one big tray or in one big container.

Potting mix

Potting mix is a mixture of soil and compost made especially to use in pots. Try to find an organic potting mix that says it is good for herbs and vegetables. Or you can use your own compost if you are making it!

Seeds or seedlings

You will need some herb seeds or seedlings to plant in your pots. The fun part is choosing what herbs to plant!

what herbs to plant

I think it’s good to start with herbs that are easy to grow and that you will want to use in your kitchen! You could try parsley, basil, coriander and chives. What else would you like to grow?

how to water

A small watering can with a long spout can be helpful for watering your pot plants. Or you can just use a cup or a small jug. You could even make your own recycled watering can from an old milk container.

Water your plants every couple of days. And try not to give them too much water! If the soil still feels damp, you don’t need to water them quite yet.

gift it up!

You could also make herb pot plants to give to friends and family. This would be a special gift for a birthday! Every time they water their little herbs, they will smile and think of you! You could also make your own plant signs to pop in the pots.

planet pollution solution

Growing your own herbs means that you will have them ready to pick fresh whenever you want to eat them. And it also means you won’t need to buy herbs that come in a plastic bag from the supermarket. The less plastic we use, the more we are helping to reduce plastic pollution. So growing your own herbs is a super special way to go!!

Also, when we buy herbs from the shops, the bunch is often much bigger than what we need, and a lot of it ends up going to waste. And did you know that herbs have often travelled miles and miles to get to your local store? Trucks use a lot of fuel which make pollution too.

So, when you grow and pick your own herbs, or you get them from a friend’s garden, or you buy them from your local herb farmers at the farmers’ market…you are doing a top thing to help look after our planet!

Grow it with love or go local…that’s what I always say!

Who knew that growing herbs could be a planet pollution solution! It might seem like such a little thing to do, but every little action we take can make a big difference.

free printable

To download your free printable colouring in sheet, ask your grown-ups for their permission and help.

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Bye greenthumbs! I’ll see you next week for some big Earth Day celebrations!


5 ways to celebrate Earth Day


Shadow puppet fun (switch off for Earth Hour)