Grow a mini indoor garden

Hi greenthumbs!

Have you ever tried to grow a mini indoor garden? There are so many cool ways to grow your own tiny garden inside ... and you can even grow things to eat!

I’m going to show you THREE OF MY FAVOURITES!

Mini microgreen garden

You can grow a ‘microgreen’ garden on your kitchen bench. Microgreens are actually just little vegetable and herb seedlings. You can plant the seeds and harvest your tiny plants in a couple of weeks. Microgreens are full of yummy flavour and good stuff to help you stay healthy. Some of my favourite microgreens are beetroot, rocket, cress, coriander, mustard (watch out, it’s spicy!) and sunflowers. I love to grow them in egg shells ... check out this caterpillar made from an old egg carton!

Popcorn garden

Did you know that you can grow mini popcorn plants?! This is another type of microgreen! If you can find some organic popcorn, you can plant them in a little tray of soil and they will grow into a miniature popcorn field! Make sure you put your popcorn garden in a warm, sunny spot ... and when your popcorn shoots have grown to about five centimetres tall, you can chop them off and eat them. Costa the Garden Gnome tells me they are one of his favourite movie snacks haha!

Scraptacular scrap garden

The scrap garden is one of scrapboy’s favourites, of course! You can use your old veggie scraps to magically grow more food. What?!!! Yes, I know … it’s amazing … and true. You can put things like beetroot, carrot tops and celery in water and they will grow new shoots out the top! Then you can pick them off and eat them! They are so tasty in salads. Click on the picture below to see how to make a scraptacular mini garden at your home.

Kids who grow food

I’m looking for KIDS WHO GROW FOOD to share their gardens with all of us. If you are a beginner or an expert, a home gardener or a school gardener, a composter or a worm farmer, a bee keeper or a bug hotel manager ... from anywhere in the world ... I need you to join my kid grower revolution! Kids who grow food might just save the world ... or feed the world...or at least feed the neighbourhood!

We’d love to see what’s growing in your mini indoor garden! Or your balcony garden ... or your backyard or frontyard garden!!

Bye greenthumbs! Have a great week. I’m off to find some carrot tops to grow!!



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