National Tree Day 2021

Hi greenthumbs!

Schools Tree Day is coming up on 30 July and National Tree Day is on 1 August. So it’s going to be a gigantic week of tree love!

I’m an official ambassador for National Tree Day. I know that sounds like a fancy pants title, but what it means is that I get to talk about something that I LOVE with people all around the planet. Trees are amazing! They make oxygen for us to breathe, they grow yummy food for us to eat and they provide a home for so many animals. That's why planting trees helps the world so much.

National Tree Day was co-founded in 1996 by Planet Ark and Olivia Newton-John. It’s now Australia's biggest community tree planting event. Since it started, over 26 million trees have been planted by more than 5 million volunteers in schools and communities across Australia. Wow!  

celebrate national tree day

How will your family celebrate National Tree Day this year? You could join a school or community tree planting event. Or you could plant a native tree in your own backyard. Or you could hug a tree (or even your favourite indoor plant)! Whatever you choose to do, choose to be safe if there are COVID-19 rules in your area.

seedling bank

The National Tree Day Seedling Bank gives money to schools and community groups in Australia to help them buy native seedlings to plant! To make a donation, or to find out how your school or community group can apply for a grant, visit the website

share the love!

Costa the garden gnome, scrapboy and I are getting excited for National Tree Day! Join in the celebrations and fun!

Share a photo of you planting, caring for, or hugging your favourite tree with the hashtags #NationalTreeDay #dirtgirlworld #connect



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