A special message from dirtgirl about COP 26: let’s write a better story together

Hi, it’s dirtgirl here!

Over the next two weeks, we are going to deep dive into the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26), but we are going to be doing it a bit differently – we will be exploring COP 26 through a family lens.

We will pop on our family googles, and avoid the political and polarising wormhole, and celebrate and explore the story of change from the perspective of kids and families.

We will be dwelling in the radical optimism sphere, finding the stories of courageous action and positive community power.

We will be continuing our focus on how to connect with the heart story of change and use it to turn the science story of our changing world into the practical actions we need to transform into everyday behaviours. 

We can’t be blind to the urgency but rather than being defeated by it, we will be fuelled by it.

So, if you feel the same – if you want to walk eyes open and not operate from fear and despair – if you want to grow a climate safe future for yourself and your family, then we want you to know we want that too and we invite you to hang out with us.

We will discover and share global stories of real possibilities with you, and we are asking you to find stories of positive action too and share them with us.

And we are going LIVE! to talk about what we are learning along the way. We will invite along some great guests on these LIVE streams who feel the same. We ask you to bring your personal stories of courage with you and to share solutions.

It is time for action. We all feel it - we’ve been living and doing this for over a decade here together … a joy led, action-packed nature hearted movement that is supported by science to inspire and inform our actions, to do what needs to be done to protect this glorious ecosystem of life. To nurture the natural world, to protect all living things.

It’s all one story. This is our story. We are nature.

Let’s write a better story together.

what is COP 26 and why is everyone talking about it?

COP 26 is the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference. It’s short for “Conference of the Parties” and it’s the world’s biggest and most important meeting about the climate crisis.

The first conference was held back in 1995 in Berlin, Germany. It is generally held every year and it brings together countries that are “parties” to (meaning they have agreed to be part of) the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

From 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow in the UK, world leaders are gathering to talk about reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to make promises and targets for the future. They are talking about what actions need to be taken immediately and in the future to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, limit global warming, and to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

It’s a big moment in history, and it will shape what the future of the planet looks like.

Watch Sir David Attenborough’s opening statement at the conference.

let’s write a better story together

Are you ready to declare you care in 2022?

Over 12-months, we’ll guide you through the top things your family can do to grow a climate safe future, one beautiful step at a time.

It’s our biggest project yet, and we want you to be part of it! So we’re calling out to families in backyards, gardens, balconies, kitchens, streets, schools and communities all across the globe! Get ready to rock the planet in 2022.

Join us for a year of living better for our planet.



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