Plastic Free July - Week 4 challenge

Hi greenthumbs!

Welcome to the 4th and final week of my Plastic Free July challenge! It’s the grand finale! How did you go with upcycling one of your old plastic toys last week? Did you make a prehistoric dinosaur planter?!

week 4 challenge

pack a plastic waste free lunch box

This week, my challenge for you is to pack a yummy plastic waste free lunchbox. And by that, I mean food with no single-use plastic wrappers. Even if you’re distance learning at home or home schooling, you can pack a lunchbox at the start of the day, so it’s quick and easy to get your lunch and snacks during the day.

I looked into it and there are about 180 school days in a year. If you can swap out just one thing from your lunchbox that has a plastic wrapper each day, you could save 180 bits of plastic from ending up in landfill over a whole year! That would be a pretty amazing achievement greenthumbs!

In Australia, where I live, there are about 3.9 million kids that go to school. So, if every kid in Australia did this challenge for one year, we could stop 710 million bits of plastic from ending up in landfill. Imagine that! Incredible!! And that’s just one country!

I call this a kid powered pollution solution!

Here are my top three ideas for getting rid of plastic in your lunchbox.


Instead of cling wrap, you can just put your sandwich straight into your lunchbox. Or you can wrap it up in a reusable beeswax wrap. Easy!


Instead of little plastic tubs or squeezey pouches, you can buy a BIG tub of yoghurt and just spoon some into a little reusable container each day. Mix in some of your favourite yummy things like blueberries, grated apple or mashed banana! Don’t forget to pack a reusable spoon. If you want a double winner, you could even learn to make your own yoghurt!

Muesli bars

Instead of muesli bars that have individual plastic wrappers (that end up in the bin), you could make your own muesli bars or bliss balls and keep them in the freezer. Just grab one out in the morning and pop it in your lunch box!

lunchbox ideas

Are you hungry yet?! Here are some yummy waste free lunchbox ideas and recipes.

And check out these amazing ideas from my very clever friend Eco with Em.

That’s a wrap! That’s the end of our Plastic Free July challenge!

But it’s not really the end. It’s just the start! You can keep doing these things all the time with your family. My best tip is to try and start one new little thing each week or each month.

It’s the little things we all do that can make a BIG DIFFERENCE!

Bye greenthumbs!



National Tree Day


Plastic Free July - Week 3 challenge