Recycle like a rockstar - Week 1 challenge

Hi greenthumbs!

Guess what?!! It’s challenge time!!

I’m super excited...because this month your challenge is to recycle like a rockstar!!!

It’s a super cool thing to do, because if you put things that can be recycled into the right bin it means that they can be put through a machine and turned into new things. And that rocks! It still uses energy but it’s better than rubbish ending up in landfill.

And if you reuse old things, it means you are saving them from landfill too! Reuse means to use things again, or to use them in new ways or to make new things. This is scrapboy’s favourite thing to do!

Each week in November, I’m going to set up a new challenge for us to do together! There will be 4 challenges all up…one for each week of the month. I’ll be doing them, and so will scrapboy….and of course Costa the Garden Gnome too! I have to tell Ken and Grubby…they’re going to be so excited. We love a challenge in dirtgirlworld. We love doing a challenge with YOU!!!

Why November? Because it’s National Recycling Week from 9 to 15 November, but we’re going to party for the whole month!

So are you ready?! Let’s do it.

week 1 challenge
make labels for your bins

Print the sheet below, cut out the labels and stick them on the bins in your house! This will help remind everyone what goes in each bin, including the recycling bin! If you don’t have a bin for each of these things, ask your grown ups if they can help you set one up.

what goes in the recycling bin?

Lots of things like milk cartons, bottles and cardboard boxes can go in the recycling bin. But you need to check with your local Council to work out what can go in your recycling bin, because different places have different rules especially when it comes to plastic.

If you live in Australia (where I live), you can look up Planet Ark’s Recycling Near You website to find out. Just pop in your postcode and it will tell you!

Here’s another rockstar tip! If you look on the bottom of plastic containers you might see a little triangle symbol like these ones…

These are called plastic recycling codes. Not all Councils take all types of plastic for recycling, so you need to investigate which ones can go in your recycling bin. If you are in Australia, the Recycling Near You website will tell you.

Woohoo, that’s it! Have fun doing our week 1 challenge greenthumbs! I’ll see you next week for round 2!



Happy holidays!


A special message from dirtgirl about COP 26: let’s write a better story together