Spring into spring!

Hi greenthumbs!

Are you ready to spring into Spring?!  

Spring is the most beautiful time of year. The bees start buzzing, the flowers burst into bloom and the little seeds push through the dirt to reach for the sun. Spring is full of wonderful new colours and sights, sounds and smells. And critters of all shapes and sizes come out of their hidey-holes! Look carefully and see what you can notice. The frogs might start to arrive and different birds might come to visit and sing their song!

Good morning!

Speaking of singing, I have a song called ‘good morning’. I sing it while I am making my breakfast and when I’m watering my plants in the morning sunshine! It’s a perfect start to a beautiful Spring day. It’s a feel good song because I want you to feel good! Rise and shine greenthumbs! It’s a good day to have a good day!

Kids who grow food

We would love to see what’s growing in your Spring garden! I’m looking for KIDS WHO GROW FOOD to share their gardens with all of us. If you’re a beginner or an expert, a home gardener or a school gardener, a composter or a worm farmer, a bee keeper, a flower keeper or even a bug hotel manager...I need you to join my kid grower revolution! 

Maybe you have a food garden in your backyard or frontyard...or maybe you have a pot plant garden on your balcony. Maybe you grow herbs on the kitchen windowsill. Or maybe you help to grow food on a farm! Whatever it is, we want to see it! To share your photos and garden story with us visit Kids Who Grow Food.

I can’t wait to hear all about what you’re planting, growing and discovering in your little part of the world. All throughout Spring, I’m going to be sharing amazing garden ideas like how to make a bean teepee, how to grow a rainbow garden and how to create your very own giant pumpkin patch!

If you have any questions or ideas of things you would like me to write about in this blog, leave a comment below! I would love to hear from you.

Let’s all spring into Spring!


Make your own garden signs


National Tree Day