The Great Local Lunch

Hi greenthumbs! It’s dirtgirl here!

You are officially invited to the The Great Local Lunch!

The Great Local Lunch is one of the National Sustainable Living Festival's most amazing events, and this year it’s coming to your house.

It’s an online event and a one-of-a-kind celebration of homegrown, local and sustainable food.

And it’s hosted by someone who gnomes a lot about growing food and eating it…Costa!!!

When is it on?

The Great Local Lunch is on Sunday 28 February from 1pm to 3pm.

How does it work?

First, you harvest food from your garden and gather any extra ingredients you might need from local farmers or growers. Then you make a delicious lunch and set up a screen. Then you switch it on and eat together with everyone else that has joined the online food spectacular!

Throughout the event, Costa will ‘virtually visit’ growers’ kitchens and gardens to discover what delicious, seasonal recipes they have created from their harvests. Maybe he could visit you!

During the event, there will also be interviews, talks and demonstrations, interactive foodie challenges, and chances to win tasty prizes from local producers.

What does it cost?

Nothing, it’s free!

Who can I invite to my Great Local Lunch?

Whoever you like! You can invite your family, or you could invite your friends too. You could even invite your neighbours. If they are gardeners, you could ask them to bring a couple of ingredients from their garden to add to the lunch.

What else do I need to do?

Remember to put out some reusable plates, cups and cutlery for your gathering. If you don’t have enough, you can borrow some from friends or find some at an op shop.

How can I book my ticket?

Ask your grown-ups and get them to help you register for your ticket here. It’s free!

When you register, you can type in what food you’re growing in your backyard or balcony veggie patch (or your school or community garden). You can also say if you would like the chance for Costa to cross live to you during the event!

What other festival events can I get involved in?

I have another super special Sustainable Living Festival event for you. And you don’t even need to leave home to come to it!

Come and join our live-streamed family gig called dirtgirlworld now! It’s on from 5-7pm on Saturday 27 February. We will be streaming live from a secret location! You can join in from your house!

Hang up some bunting, throw down a blanket and unpack a picnic as we gather together online, in the twilight, to dance, sing and care!

With lot of songs, tips, ideas, special guests, and kidsperts (that’s a kid expert!) this is a lovefest to inspire you to keep going strong with your planet-positive living, or to seed a whole new way of doing things in your family in 2021.

And I’ll let you in on a little (big) secret…we will be launching our first planet-loving project for 2021…Declare You Care. And we need YOUR help to make this the best project ever!

You can book your FREE ticket online here.

Just make sure you ask your grown-ups and get them to help you book.

It’s going to be so much fun. We can’t wait to see you there!


dirtgirl loves: Feel Good Feb


Book your FREE ticket to the Sustainable Living Festival (live-stream gig!)