DIY watering can

Hi greenthumbs!

To celebrate National Water Week, I’m going to show to how to make your own watering can! But not just any old watering can, it’s a recycled watering can!

You will need to find an old 2-litre plastic milk bottle. Maybe there is one in your recycling bin? Give it a good wash to make sure all the milk is out before you start.

Watering the garden and pot plants is a super important job. Our plants need water to grow strong and to grow the beautiful food we eat. Especially when the weather is warm, our plants like lots of water to drink. But, every little drop of water is precious, so we don’t want to waste it either. Here’s a song I wrote about water. You can sing it while you are filling up your watering can!

Here are two top ways to save water at your house!

Turn off the tap while you’re brushing your teeth. This can save up to 5 litres of water from going down the drain. Wow, that’s a lot!

Press the half-flush button on the toilet. The half-flush button (the small button) uses about 3 litres of water and the full-flush bottom uses about 5 or 6 litres of water per flush. That’s a big difference!

We can be water savers together!



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