Kids who grow food

Hi greenthumbs!

Are you a kid who loves growing food? Is your family into growing food? Do you grow food at school?

We want to see your garden! 

I’m looking for KIDS WHO GROW FOOD to share their gardens with all of us. If you are a beginner or an expert, a home gardener or a school gardener, a composter or a worm farmer, a bee keeper or a bug hotel manager ... from anywhere in the world ... I need you to join my kid grower revolution! Kids who grow food might just save the world ... or feed the world...or at least feed the neighbourhood!

We’d love to see what’s growing in your garden! Maybe you have a food garden in your backyard or frontyard. Maybe you have a pot plant garden on your balcony. Maybe you grow herbs on the kitchen windowsill. Or maybe you have a veggie plot on a big farm. Maybe your garden isn’t even at your house! Maybe it’s a community garden or a school garden or your nan’s garden!

Whatever it is, we want to see it!

How to join Kids who grow food

Step 1: snap some photos

Take some photos of you in your garden, your family in the garden and the food in your garden! Between 5 and 10 photos is good.

Make sure at least one picture shows the whole garden, so we can see what it looks like.

It would also be amazing to see some close-ups of your garden growing and some pictures of your food when you pick it, even when you cook it or eat it!

You don’t have to show your face in the photos. You can show your hands, the back of you, or your body without your head in the photo (or you could even pop a sticker on the photo over your face). Different families have different rules about this stuff … but one thing’s for sure … everyone is welcome!

Step 2: submit your photos and share your story

Share your photos with us by clicking on the link below. Make sure you ask your big person first and get them to help! You don’t need to send the photos, you just need to put in the link to Dropbox (or another link) where I can download your photos. Ask your big people! There’s also a spot for you to write a short description of each of your pictures, so we know what they’re about!

When you fill out the online form, tell us about your garden and the food you grow in up to 100 words! You could tell us what you like to grow, what stuff you know about growing, your most favourite thing about growing food, how it makes you feel, what you love to grow and eat, and your best tip for other growers…stuff like that!

And that’s it. Easy peasy! I can’t wait to see your garden!

You can also join the Kids Who Grow Food page on Facebook. Check it out to see what’s growing!



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